Friday, 30 November 2012

Day 1,160 of Being a University Student…

And I'm still not done? That’s 27,840 hours or 1,670,400 minutes or 100,224,000 seconds!

My time at University, while not even nearly over (two sets of exams left… noooo!) has taught me many things, and while many things have been gained, some things have been lost. Most notably perhaps are the friends I have lost contact with. I'm sure this must happen to everyone who moves away from home in some capacity. I left my home town, as many students do at the age of eighteen and moved from Swansea to Bath for university. You move away, your life focus changes and on both sides of the border contact eventually wanes. People you once saw every day become people you see twice a year and whose lives you now view through the window of social media.

Sad but true.

If any of you people who made my (slightly) younger years a better place to be ever read this, I am sorry for being a shitty friend. I miss you.

Kathryn Xx

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